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Construction and Assembly

Home / Know How / Construction and Assembly

Anyone who has ever conducted a major investment process is aware of the enormity of work required, complexity of the venture and risks involved. The occurrence of a fire, construction disaster or any other incident causing substantial material loss may result in a significant delay in the construction, which means a measurable financial loss for the Investor.

A properly structured insurance program for construction and assembly risks (CAR/EAR) with possible extension for losses due to delays in completion of the investment (ALOP/DSU) will cover both the investment itself and interests of entities involved in its implementation: investor/employer, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, banks and financing entities. EIB has an unquestionable advantage in this area - unique knowledge and experience of its employees.

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EIB Team
Patryk Wełnicki
Deputy Director, Department of Strategic Clients' Insurance
Leader in technical 
tel. number
+48 (56) 669 34 37
+48 (56) 669 34 00


Home / Contact

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Headquarters in Toruń
87-100 Toruń
ul. Jęczmienna 21
Tel. +48 56 669 34 00
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: eib@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Katowice
40-129 Katowice
ul. Misjonarzy Oblatów 11
Tel. +48 32 258 37 50
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: katowice@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Kraków
31-527 Kraków
ul. Supniewskiego 9
Tel. +48 12 627 34 00
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: krakow@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Rzeszów
35-307 Rzeszów
Al. Armii Krajowej 80
Tel. +48 17 862 66 28
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: rzeszow@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Warsaw
00-722 Warszawa
ul. Podchorążych 39a/3
Tel. +48 22 559 14 60
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: warszawa@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Wrocław
53-203 Wrocław
Al. Gen. Józefa Hallera 92/18
Tel. +48 71 332 96 67
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: wroclaw@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Łódź
90-010 Łódź
ul. Tuwima 15/U1A
Tel. +48 566 693 580
Fax. +48 566 693 409
e-mail: lodz@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Kielce
25-323 Kielce
al. Solidarności 34/307
Tel. +48 56 642 49 12
e-mail: kielce@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Bydgoszcz
85-231 Bydgoszcz
ul. Królowej Jadwigi 18/203
Tel. +48 52 523 90 77
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: bydgoszcz@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Gdynia
81-321 Gdynia
ul. Podolska 21/405
Tel. +48 58 620 62 69
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: gdynia@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Olsztyn
10-282 Olsztyn
ul. Poprzeczna 11
Tel. +48 56 66 93 534
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: olsztyn@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Włocławek
87-800 Włocławek
ul. Targowa 7
Tel. +48 54 231 15 36
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: wloclawek@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Sieradz
98-200 Sieradz
ul. Wojska Polskiego 102
Tel. +48 69 703 04 32
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: sieradz@eib.com.pl