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Home / EIB / EIB

EIB is an insurance broker, expert in developing and arranging specialised property protection programmes for its Clients.

EIB is an insurance broker acting on the basis of the authorization of the supervisory authority No. 502 of 23.12.1994.

EIB is an expert in constructing and arranging specialized programs to protect the financial interests of its Clients.

Attention to the highest standards in relations with Clients and knowledge of their needs has made the EIB brand become a synonym of the finest quality service among representatives of the insurance market in Poland.

For almost 30 years we have been advising the largest companies in sectors of industry, commerce and services. Diverse needs of our clients inspire us to create new solutions and continuously develop our standards.

We protect assets worth more than PLN 500 billion and the health and lives of over 130,000 people, which makes us one of the largest partners of Polish insurance companies.

Challenges posed by the rapidly developing market, as well as the growing needs of our Clients are the motivation for continuous improvement.

Registration data:
Headquarters: Toruń, ul. Jęczmienna 21

KRS: 0000050455, District Court in Toruń, VII Commercial Division
Share capital paid up in full: PLN 100 000
NIP: 956-00-07-485
REGON: 870270059


Home / Contact

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Headquarters in Toruń
87-100 Toruń
ul. Jęczmienna 21
Tel. +48 56 669 34 00
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: eib@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Katowice
40-129 Katowice
ul. Misjonarzy Oblatów 11
Tel. +48 32 258 37 50
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: katowice@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Kraków
31-527 Kraków
ul. Supniewskiego 9
Tel. +48 12 627 34 00
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: krakow@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Rzeszów
35-307 Rzeszów
Al. Armii Krajowej 80
Tel. +48 17 862 66 28
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: rzeszow@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Warsaw
00-722 Warszawa
ul. Podchorążych 39a/3
Tel. +48 22 559 14 60
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: warszawa@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Wrocław
53-203 Wrocław
Al. Gen. Józefa Hallera 92/18
Tel. +48 71 332 96 67
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: wroclaw@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Łódź
90-010 Łódź
ul. Tuwima 15/U1A
Tel. +48 566 693 580
Fax. +48 566 693 409
e-mail: lodz@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Kielce
25-323 Kielce
al. Solidarności 34/307
Tel. +48 56 642 49 12
e-mail: kielce@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Bydgoszcz
85-231 Bydgoszcz
ul. Królowej Jadwigi 18/203
Tel. +48 52 523 90 77
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: bydgoszcz@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Gdynia
81-321 Gdynia
ul. Podolska 21/405
Tel. +48 58 620 62 69
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: gdynia@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Olsztyn
10-282 Olsztyn
ul. Poprzeczna 11
Tel. +48 56 66 93 534
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: olsztyn@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Włocławek
87-800 Włocławek
ul. Targowa 7
Tel. +48 54 231 15 36
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: wloclawek@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Sieradz
98-200 Sieradz
ul. Wojska Polskiego 102
Tel. +48 69 703 04 32
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: sieradz@eib.com.pl