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ISO Certificates

Home / EIB / ISO Certificates

The Integrated Management System implemented and operating in EIB complies with the requirements of ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 27001 in the field of brokerage services along with loss adjustment. It assumes multilevel monitoring of the process and ensuring the security of information obtained at all stages of cooperation. The implemented standards guarantee a high and continuously improved level of service and protection of the data entrusted. ISOQAR, as an international, independent certification organization stands guard over the fulfilment of the strict requirements.

The Integrated Management System in EIB consists of:

- Quality management system based on the ISO 9001 standard
- Information security management system based on ISO/IEC 27001 standard

In EIB, we have always paid particular attention to the process-oriented management approach. The standard in EIB is a precise definition of the Client's needs, requirements and expectations and realization of services, taking into account the latest available in the market insurance solutions, based on the operating procedures, with a particular focus on the selection of an appropriate competent team. Thanks to planning and implementation of processes under the proper supervision of the management involved, our Clients can rest assured that we offer the highest professional care in terms of the service provided.

The origin of the Integrated Management System based on ISO standards dates back to 2007 when the Management Board of EIB decided to subject the organization to an assessment for compliance with ISO 9001. The compliance of the quality management system of our services with this standard was confirmed during the audit carried out by an independent certification body in 2008.

We pay special attention to ensuring complete security at every stage of information processing. As the first insurance broker in Poland, we introduced in 2009 and maintained an information security management system compliant with ISO/IEC 27001 standard.

Our ceaseless efforts to improve the quality of the service and information security fit perfectly into the primary purpose of ISO standards implementation - continuous improvement. The effectiveness of our activities is verified by annual audits carried out by independent external auditors.


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Headquarters in Toruń
87-100 Toruń
ul. Jęczmienna 21
Tel. +48 56 669 34 00
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: eib@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Katowice
40-129 Katowice
ul. Misjonarzy Oblatów 11
Tel. +48 32 258 37 50
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: katowice@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Kraków
31-527 Kraków
ul. Supniewskiego 9
Tel. +48 12 627 34 00
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: krakow@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Rzeszów
35-307 Rzeszów
Al. Armii Krajowej 80
Tel. +48 17 862 66 28
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: rzeszow@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Warsaw
00-722 Warszawa
ul. Podchorążych 39a lok 3
Tel. +48 22 559 14 60
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: warszawa@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Wrocław
53-203 Wrocław
Al. Gen. Józefa Hallera 92/18
Tel. +48 71 332 96 67
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: wroclaw@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Łódź
90-010 Łódź
ul. Tuwima 15  lokal U1A
Tel. +48 566 693 580
Fax. +48 566 693 409
e-mail: lodz@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Kielce
25-323 Kielce
al. Solidarności 34 lok 307
Tel. +48 56 642 49 12
e-mail: kielce@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Bydgoszcz
85-231 Bydgoszcz
ul. Królowej Jadwigi 18 lok. 203
Tel. +48 52 523 90 77
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: bydgoszcz@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Gdynia
81-395 Gdynia
ul. Władysława IV 43 lok. 603/604
Tel. +48 58 620 62 69
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: gdynia@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Olsztyn
10-282 Olsztyn
ul. Poprzeczna 11
Tel. +48 56 66 93 534
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: olsztyn@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Włocławek
87-800 Włocławek
ul. Targowa 7
Tel. +48 54 231 15 36
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: wloclawek@eib.com.pl
OFFICE in Sieradz
98-200 Sieradz
ul. Wojska Polskiego 102
Tel. +48 69 703 04 32
Fax. +48 56 669 34 09
e-mail: sieradz@eib.com.pl